Sunday, September 05, 2010

Simple Potato Salad

Potato salad is a dish made from potatoes, the versions of which vary throughout different regions and countries of the world. Although called a salad, it is generally considered a side dish, as it generally accompanies the main course. (source.Wikipedia)

Ingredients :

- Kentang, bisa direbus ato goreng
- Wortel, rebus, iris dadu
- Timun, iris dadu
- Telor rebus, pisahkan kuningnya. Iris2 dadu putihnya

Bahan saus :
- Mayones plain
- Saus pedas/saus tomat
- Kuning telur

Method :
- Buat sausnya. Haluskan kuning telur, campur dengan mayones n saus tomat.sisihkan
- Campur smua bahan dalam satu mangkuk, siram dengan saus sesaat sbelom dimakan

Note : slain bahan2 diatas, bisa juga ditambahkan apel, selada ato sayuran2 yahg disuka :)

Happy cooking...positive eating ... :)