Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crispy Banana with Caramel Sauce

Because of their impressive potassium content, bananas are highly recommended by doctors for patients whose potassium is low. One large banana, about 9 inches in length, packs 602 mg of potassium and only carries 140 calories. That same large banana even has 2 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. No wonder the banana was considered an important food to boost the health of malnourished children! Those reducing sodium in their diets can't go wrong with a banana with its mere 2 mgs of sodium. For the carbohydrate counters there are 36 grams of carbs in a large banana.

Another way of eating banana :D .. its sweet, crispy n super delicious.

Easy to make .. happy cooking ;)

Ingredients :

- Pisang
- Terigu
- Putih telur
- Tepung roti kasar/panko
- Minyak goreng secukupnya

Caramel Sauce : Masak gula merah bersama air hingga larut, masukkan sedikit santan dan aduk hingga mengental. Angkat.

Method :

- Iris pisang, bisa memanjang atau bulat. Gulingkan pisang kedalam tepung terigu, lalu masukkan dalam putih telur dan terakhir balurkan kedalam tepung roti.
- Diamkan selama beberapa saat supaya tepung menempel sempurna.
- Goreng dalam minyak panas sedang (deep fried) hingga matang.
- Hidangkan bersama saus karamel. yummy ;d