Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm not bitter, but I love Bitterballen :D~~

I'm not bitter
But I've seen
Better days
I'm not bitter
Is it The better man
That always Walks away
[Bitter lyrics]

Bitterballen (plural of 'bitterbal') are a savoury Dutch meat-based snack, typically containing a mixture of beef (minced or chopped), beef broth, flour and butter for thickening, parsley, salt and pepper.
They are eaten in Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles, the Netherlands, Belgium, to some degree in Indonesia, and hardly anywhere else.

I made this recipe as simple as I can and no time consuming coz I was in hurry, but ehmmm.. I need something to eat hahah .. :D

Ingredients :

- 1sdm Margarin
- 1siung bawang putih
- 125gr ayam, rebus, iris2 kecil
- 1buah wortel, rebus, potong dadu kecil
- 1/3cup munjung terigu
- 250ml susu cair
- Merica
- Garam

Pelapis :
- Telur, kocok lepas
- Tepung panir

- Minyak untuk menggoreng

Method :

- Lelehkan margarin, tumis bawang putih hingga harum
- Masukkan terigu n aduk-aduk hingga bergumpal-gumpal
- Masukkan ayam, wortel, mrica n garam, aduk rata
- Tuang susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk hingga rata n mengental. Aduk hingga kalis. Matikan api. Dinginkan
- Bentuk bulat-bulat, lalu celupkan dalam telur n gulingkan dalam tepung roti. Diamkan beberapa saat
- Goreng dalam minyak panas sedang hingga matang kecoklatan