Wednesday, November 10, 2010

MiLo Ais Tea

In 1934, Australian industrial chemist and inventor Thomas Mayne developed Milo and launched it at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Milo began production at the plant located in Smithtown, near Kempsey on the North Coast of New South Wales. The name was derived from the famous Greek athlete Milo of Crotona, after his legendary strength.

Milo is supposedly high in energy, because the drink has 1,760 kJ in every 100 g of the drink. It is also for this reason, marketed as the "Energy Food Drink". It is also supposed to have a low Glycemic Index (GI), that is, "33 made with whole milk, 36 made with reduced fat milk". This allows the energy in Milo to be released slowly.

The Milo website states that the drink is high in calcium, iron and the vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12.
(source. Wikipedia)

Tuang TEH KOTAK SOSRO kedalam cetakan ice cube, lalu bekukan dalam freezer semalaman. Stelah beku, keluarkan dari cetakan lalu blender bersama MILO bubuk hingga bercampur rata. Done ... :D